Petro Palace Hotel, Saint-Petersburg
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Please note!
In accordance with Federal Law No. 214-FZ dated July 29, 2017 “On conducting an experiment on the development of resort infrastructure” and the Law of St. Petersburg dated June 29, 2023 No. 419-81 “On the introduction of a resort fee on the territory of St. Petersburg” since April 1, 2024, a resort fee will be added to hotels daily room rate. A resort fee is an additional fee and charged on top of the nightly rate. It is 100 rubles per day per person and valid for all travellers over 18.


圣彼得堡 Petro Palace Hotel
地址: 190000, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Malaya Morskaya str. 14
海军部(Admiralteyskaya)地铁站 距离酒店 300 m.
+7 812 571 3006 /
+ 7 812 448 7134 /
礼宾部: +7 812 313 72 31
接待员: +7 812 571 28 80 / 7 812 313 69 00

我们向外国公民收移民登记服务费180 卢布。

纳税人识别号: 7810470134
法定地址:196084,俄罗斯圣彼得堡市莫斯科大街97号B座(196084, Russia, St. Petersburg, Moskovsky prospect, 97, lit. B)
实际地址:190000, 俄罗斯圣彼得堡市小海街14号(190000, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Malaya Morskaya 14)
电话. 7 (812) 571 28 80
关于Petro Palace Hotel酒店


而Petro Palace Hotel 就位于其中心。 距离冬宫和圣以撒大教堂仅几步之遥,周围都是最著名的剧院和商店、最受欢迎的餐厅、酒吧、咖啡馆和夜总会。Petro Palace Hotel 为您提供优越的地理位置以及最舒适的生活和娱乐条件。